My Backyard is the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 269: New partner Li Ran

   "Of order, Master!" No. 0001 closed his mouth.

Li Yin walked back and forth excitedly, constantly digesting the information provided by No. 0001, that is to say, with this batch of robots, he can completely replace those dull video teaching, but let these intelligent robots be teachers Li Yin believes that these robots are definitely the best teachers. They know everything. They are definitely Mr. Baidu in the Tang Dynasty. Possessing certain thinking skills also allows them to teach flexibly.

As for the other part of the robots, they can be placed in Taoyuan and cooperate with Tong Yu and other scientific researchers to build up the Tang Dynasty\'s industrial system step by step, because although these robots have advanced technology, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Keeping up with the industrial foundation of the times, their technological knowledge is also versatile, and they will never be able to produce fighter jets out of mud.

Thinking of this, Li Yin\'s saliva was about to flow down. He wanted to slap Obama with his hands, and Shinzo Abe with his feet, with the rhythm of an Indian Ah San in his crotch. But after thinking for a while, Li Yin started thinking about it Back to reality, this is not a matter of a day or two. After all, the industry of the Tang Dynasty is still in a blank stage. He will think about it after one day surpassing modern times, otherwise he may be arrested and sliced ​​​​for research.

   After figuring out the ins and outs of these robots, Li Yin felt at ease, this trip was worth it, and he decided to go back later. Be sure to burn a carriage of fire paper to Yuan Shoucheng to express his gratitude.

   "Number 0001, is this your number? How many intelligent robots are there?" Li Yin returned to the actual question.

   "Twenty-four thousand intelligent robots, if the owner wants them to wake up, I can wake them up immediately." No. 0001 replied.

   Li Yan was a little surprised, "Don\'t you need a starter?"

"I am the core of all intelligent robots. I can order them. The master can give orders through me or himself. Therefore, the master can use the starter. If the master is not too tired." 0001\'s words made Li Yin wonder Slam his thoughts.

"No need for now!" Li Yin looked at the naked 0001, imagining how terrifying it would be for 20,000 naked men to stand in an almost sealed space, but before that, Li Yin let 0001 wear it first. Let\'s talk about putting on the clothes, so he asked Qin Huaiyu to pull off a barbarian\'s clothes and put them on for him.

   In response, Qin Huaiyu looked at No. 0001 for a while before leaving. He still couldn\'t understand how an industrial product spoke, which was completely beyond his cognition. If Li Yin hadn\'t been there, he would probably have worshiped the transport plane falling from the sky as a god, just like those barbarians.

   Let No. 0001 wear animal skins temporarily, and Li Yin took him away from the transport plane. The smell in here is really bad.

   "What kind of energy do you rely on to support the body\'s operation?" When he came outside, Li Yin continued to ask, if these guys needed any special energy, he would be finished, and it probably wouldn\'t take a few days. All these guys have to take a rest.

"Food, sunlight is enough!" No. 0001 replied: "Our body simulates the functions of the human body and can extract energy from food. Moreover, our skin is a special material that can absorb solar energy, and we can rely on it without food." The solar power keeps the system going..."

"Okay!" I got it, Li Yin asked No. 0001 to stop, otherwise I don\'t know when he will talk, "No. 0001 is very awkward, from now on you will be called Li Ran, and other robots will use the surname Li. Just use the famous person with the surname Li from the Tang Dynasty."

   "Yes, master!" No. 0001 replied, which is now Li Ran.

Pulling Li Ran aside, Li Min continued: "I have to tell you a fact, now you are not in the 2060s, but in the Tang Dynasty in history, the transport plane that carried you encountered a magnetic field and traveled to Tang Dynasty, so, in the future, you will use the language of the Tang Dynasty, and your status will be the retainers of the Shu Palace, understand?"

   "Traveling through time and space? This is a topic that humans are currently studying, but time-traveling exists in nature with a very low probability. I didn\'t expect it to exist." Li Ran\'s handsome face actually showed a surprised expression.

  Li Yan was surprised and said, "Didn\'t you say that robots don\'t have feelings and emotions?"

   "It\'s not an emotion, it\'s just a corresponding expression when the program thinks it should be surprised." Then Li Ran smiled at Li Yin, followed by crying, anger and many other expressions.

   Li Yin was defeated by him, and said: "Okay, okay, now you make up a history for you according to the background of the Tang Dynasty in 634." Li Yin believed that this should be very simple for them.

   "Yes, master!" Li Ran replied.

Suddenly owning 24,000 intelligent robots, Li Min\'s mood is indescribable. He explained some things to Li Ran, basically telling Li Ran about his current situation and telling him not to act in front of outsiders. Things beyond this era, try to meet the standards of today\'s life, Li Ran nodded to express his understanding.

  After talking about these things, Li Yin looked at Li Ran\'s face again with some helplessness, and said, "Hey, what should I do with this hair?"

   "Master, don\'t worry, I can make them grow!" As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yan saw Li Ran\'s hair growing like a quick shot of wild growth.

  Such a terrifying scene appeared in front of everyone. Many soldiers finally collapsed and ran away screaming. Qin Huaiyu was also among them. He felt that all the things worth fearing in his life had happened today.

  Li Yin almost went crazy, as if watching a ghost movie live, his whole body was terrified, and he shuddered twice, he said: "Okay, don\'t do such amazing things in front of others in the future." Li Yin said weakly.

  Through communicating with Li Ran, Li Yin found that, as Li Ran said, he was basically the same as a normal human being. If Li Yan didn\'t know that he was a robot, he really wouldn\'t be able to tell the difference.

   After discovering such a batch of treasures, Li Yin asked the soldiers to continue searching other places on the transport ship, but no other special places were found.

   And Li Yin asked Li Ran to check the transport plane, and the result he got was that the transport plane was basically scrapped, and only the warehouse system had a backup power supply to support it, otherwise Li Yin would not be able to open the warehouse at all.

Although slightly disappointed with this result, people should not be too greedy. Li Yin was very satisfied, and then he began to think about how to bring these robots back to Yizhou. The first problem was more than 20,000 sets of clothes. You can\'t let them go back to Yizhou with their buttocks naked.

  So Li Yin ordered to be stationed here temporarily, and sent scouts back to let the Shengtang Chamber of Commerce work overtime to produce a batch of uniform uniforms. These uniforms will be made according to the uniforms of the army to show their status and speciality.

At the same time, Li Yin didn\'t let the soldiers idle, and asked him to open a road out in the forest. This transport plane is full of treasures. Although it is scrapped, the parts and metal shell are good things. It is also good to disassemble it and reuse it. , It would be too wasteful to throw it here, but Li Ran didn\'t take Li Yin\'s behavior seriously. For him, as long as he has enough materials and machinery, he can make a new one.

  Li Yan thought to himself that this robot is really a full man who doesn\'t know that a hungry man is hungry. If he had these materials and machinery, would he be so miserable? I have already driven the bomber back to modern times, and I don’t have to worry about being seen through the secrets when I return to modern times.

After staying in the valley for more than a month, Li Min became acquainted with this robot in the communication with Li Ran. Li Ran also has a full understanding of this era, and understands that duplicating a transport plane is impossible. The first task is to help Li Yin establish an industrial system step by step, and at the same time teach modern scientific knowledge to people in the Tang Dynasty. Both tasks will take a long time and cannot be accomplished overnight. (To be continued..)

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