The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 52 - A Charade

"Magnus, can I have a moment?" A pink-haired lady appeared at their table. Uneasily, she smiled at the occupants of the table whose combined attractiveness was enough to make anyone nervous. Even the youngest member with red hair was so cute he could vie with the paintings of baby angels that she had seen in Eos\' temple.

"No." The fire mage replied. "Why don\'t you come back tomorrow?"

She wasn\'t taking no for an answer. "I\'ll ask father to let you meet her soon," Alamandra replied. The persistent girl knew Magnus could not resist her bait. Predictably, the fire mage reluctantly allowed her to lead him off to a dark balcony that was closed off by heavy curtains.

"What\'s that about?" Syryn asked the brothers who had gone unnervingly silent.

Artemus had a hard look in his eyes. "Blackmail," he answered. "There\'s nothing we can do yet," the anti mage told his younger brother whose mouth was pressed in a straight line.

"They\'re holding someone captive aren\'t they?" Syryn asked.

"His mother," Artemus affirmed, fingers twirling the neck of his wine glass, "the only reason he tolerates the pink-haired girl. Magnus knows they won\'t hurt her, at least not while Sigil is keeping an eye on their internal affairs. It helps that he\'s cooperating with the engagement - keeps the spoilt brat happy, and in turn allows his mother some freedom."

Syryn and Red made eye contact. The younger demon child had a calculating look in his eyes. The alchemist was willing to bet that red-headed retribution was due in the future for Alamandra\'s relatives.

After a reasonable time of waiting - "Should someone go check on them?" Syryn asked. It had been far too long that Magnus was gone. "You know what? I\'ll go," he stood up fluidly. "Art, can you have some more food ready for when I return? This kitten is hungry."

Alka\'s gasp punctuated the air with the right amount of incredulity that his older brother was feeling. Syryn was getting bolder about his flirting.

Syryn stalked into the balcony and heard snatches of the heated conversation that was taking place.

"- who is this person you\'re claiming to have fallen for?? Who is the homewrecker?!" Alamandra shoved a hand at Magnus but he stood like a stone sculpture. "I will not allow you to break off this engagement Magnus!"

"I\'m sick and tired of your antics Alamandra. I drew the line when you hurt Alka but then you attempted to hurt Syryn too. You think I didn\'t know?"

"Who told you?!" Her hands had begun to shake. "Listen, he was rude to me."

"And that warrants sending bullies after him?" Magnus\' patience was wearing thin.

"I\'m sorry Magnus, I won\'t do it again!"

"I\'m sorry too that I thought you could be a better person. I might not see through your schemes next time so I\'m putting an end to everything here."

Syryn had heard enough.

"Hey lovebirds, I\'m here to interrupt." He showed himself to the quarrelling pair. Magnus was perfection in the black formals that fitted his tall body like a glove. Alamandra was beautiful in a lace creation but her nasty personality destroyed the image of a matching couple they could have been.

"You should leave," Magnus warned but it sounded more like a plea. "You don\'t have to get involved."

Syryn wanted to get involved. He wanted to get up close and personal.

"Miss Alamandra, take a walk," Syryn stepped right between her and Magnus.

"He\'s my fiance. Who do you think-" Alamandra gasped when the beautiful boy turned his back to her and drew her fiance into a kiss.

Shock held her in place for a few seconds and she snapped out of it to flee from the humiliating scene. Alamandra wasn\'t stupid to offend a potentially powerful unknown whose status she had yet to find out. Though her indignation screamed for her to push the couple off the balcony, she controlled her impulses. Her father would hear about this.

Syryn heard her leave and pulled away from Magnus to end their impromptu charade, but the fire mage\'s arm went around his waist and pulled him right back into the kiss that Syryn had aborted. It wasn\'t going according to plan but the alchemist rolled with it.

Magnus was scorching to the touch, and his lips were even hotter - Perks of his fire magic. Mouth ravaged by a sinuous tongue that claimed dominance, Syryn was driven into a dizzy breathlessness. When Magnus finally freed him, the alchemist let out a breath of air.

"You went too far," he wheezed. "What\'s wrong with you?"

With a shameless shrug, Magnus licked his lips and smirked. "I\'m an opportunist Syryn. Thanks for turning my night around."

"Let\'s get back before Alamandra brings an audience." Syryn adjusted his clothing and mirrored his friend\'s smirk.

"Don\'t tell Artemus," Magnus told the boy, a little fearful of what the anti mage might do if he found out.

"Sure," Syryn replied.

"You look like you\'re in a good mood Magnus," Corvus and Drake were seated next to Lucien and Artemus.

"Cor, I got a taste of something nice," the fire mage grinned at the green-haired boy. "Rowan is heading over and he\'s getting tailed by fangirls."

Rowan unceremoniously pulled a chair away from another table and settled into it. His presence there suddenly elevated the beauty rating at the table and it blinded all the students who were paying close attention to them. Another anti mage student ran over with a glass of wine that Rowan accepted with a nod.

"For someone who just had a hot princess hanging off him with love dripping from her eyes, you look pissed off Rowan," Corvus observed. He hadn\'t forgotten that Drake, the younger brother of the said princess, was next to him - but he was beyond caring. Drake had heard worse out of his mouth.

"Try standing an hour onstage getting stared at like a piece of meat," Rowan answered, his deep gaze settling on Syryn. Rowan had seen the look that Syryn had sent him across the hall and the message wasn\'t subtle. Had the mage changed his mind about Rowan\'s future wife? The blonde cared very little about a woman he wasn\'t yet married to.

"Have we met?" He asked Syryn, testing the waters with a cool tone.

Syryn had decided to die again if he messed everything up - an ending he would work hard to avoid. The Mage hunters were already working on finding the horns before Traxdart\'s minions could. Syryn had given them approximate locations since he wasn\'t too sure himself where they were hidden. And if it came down to it, Rowan would still have to screw Lillith for that holy Eos union. It would be messy and ugly, and hearts would get broken but the alternative was a boring way to live. He would go out like a firework this lifetime as well.

"Yes, I\'m Syryn Nigh\'hart. Hello, again Rowan, Corvus, Drake." Syryn included the two gaping boys in his introduction. "I\'ve been living under an illusion. I\'d like for you to keep this under wraps," he turned to Corvus and Drake.

"You\'re Syryn? Really? I\'d wondered why you looked so different from your brother!" Corvus exclaimed excitedly. "I\'m not calling you ugly," he then added apologetically.

"Of course," Syryn graciously replied. He looked at the handsome Prince who was still deciding what to say. Would he want a kiss from Syryn? The alchemist had a list of people whose lips he wanted to conquer.

"How are you two so different and yet so alike?" Drake asked, looking between the redhead and Syryn.

"Special lineage," the alchemist replied. And like a magnet, the table attracted one more lovely occupant who squeezed in with the group of ridiculously good looking people.

"Hey Salem," Syryn greeted the blonde alchemist who was a piece of eye candy in purple elven finery. A black pearl earring glimmered on his right ear lobe.

"The Lord Chancellor wants to know why everyone relevant is congregated at this table," he swept a glance around after nodding to Syryn.

"The aesthetics are pleasing here," Drake replied with a glance at Syryn. "People are too intimated to approach and bother us."

"Apes strong together," Corvus answered.

"This table was reserved for me," was Artemus\' simple reply.

"We\'re with Artemus," Alka gestured to himself, Magnus and Syryn.

Eyes turned to Rowan who was swirling the yellow bubbling liquid in his glass. "What Drake said," he replied. "No offence to his sister but I\'m tired of getting hounded for tonight."

Salem accepted their replies with an amused smile. "Sounds about right."

"Rowan, use your status and get us some more food." Magnus pointed to the empty plates that needed topping.

Gold lashes dipped to survey the lack of edibles, then looked back up at the fire mage. "There\'s a junior hovering behind you. Ask him."

Salem took this opportunity to talk to his fellow alchemist. "Syryn, would you have room for a housemate? I\'m looking for a place to shift to."

"What happened to your current place?" Syryn asked.

The blonde alchemist frowned at something he recalled. "I\'m getting evicted for violating tenancy rules."

"Let\'s be honest about it," Drake interjected. "Salem poisoned the water supply with an experimental potion. They found out after the other tenants all mysteriously woke up with blue skin."

"In my defence, it was a cure to the mineral in the water that was causing allergies amongst the tenants with weak immune systems. I was doing them a favour. I even reversed the skin colouring," Salem unhurriedly explained to his alarmed audience.

"You\'re welcome to join my home if you promise to tell me before experimenting on my person," Syryn informed the half-elf. Syryn had been wanting to move to Holly Manor ever since his visit there. The expansive property was as private as it could get. With the tall trees covering most of the property, it was the kind of wilderness that he craved.

"You\'re leaving the apartment?" Rowan asked.

"You\'re welcome to visit anytime," Syryn replied.

"What about Lucien?" Magnus who hadn\'t know about the impending move, asked, feeling left out.

"He comes with me. You\'re both welcome too if you think you might get lonely in that apartment."

"Am I welcome as well?" Drake asked, eyes lifting in a friendly smile.

"You too," Syryn replied with a laugh. "But it\'s not as comfortable as the royal palace, your highness."

The volunteering anti mages came up to the table with food that was passed around. Rowan refused a plate and instead asked for another glass of wine.

Artemus then excused himself to visit his mother who was no doubt waiting for an answer from Salem but the alchemist was glued to his seat.

Syryn looked around at all the people watching Artemus\' every move, wanting a piece of the elegant anti mage who was single and more than eligible. He had a childish desire to wrap Artemus in a burlap sack so he would appear less attractive.

Tuning back to the conversation at hand, he spoke to his old friend. "Rowan, what are your plans for the future?"

The anti mage\'s sky blues were at half-mast and hazy from the three glasses of wine he had already imbibed on an empty stomach. "Mage hunter academy for a year and then I\'ll be on the roads," he replied. "Four years, that\'s how long I\'ll be gone from Elysium."

That was a long time he wouldn\'t be seeing Rowan. "You look like you need some air," he commented while snatching away the topped up glass that appeared in Rowan\'s hand. Were the anti mages plotting to get the man drunk? It was a possibility now that he could see the princess watching from her table.

Syryn threw back the glass of wine and swallowed the entirety of it. Grabbing Rowan\'s arm, he whispered into the anti mage\'s ear, "You need to get sober Rowan. There\'s a honey trap waiting to catch you in it."

"Not the first time they\'ve tried," the anti mage replied. Penetrating blue eyes widened at the wicked smile on Syryn\'s face, and Rowan was abruptly standing up to pull the mage away with him.

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